Monday, March 5, 2012

Find Your "Happy"

"Lord I Lift My Hands to You"
Something came over me today about what makes me happy, and how did I find that "happy". So I ask you, what and how did you find your "Happy"? Lets define the term "happy" first, Happy is a apart of our everyday five senses. I challenge you to zone yourself out from the Internet social world and to sit alone without any distractions and ask yourself these questions just when you feel as if life is a struggle, life is too hard or "why me". You have to think really hard about this because it's easy to say, "Oh my family, friends, career, boyfriend or husband makes me Happy"! Not the answer I was searching for. Try that moment when you are alone and you start to draw, sing, dance, act, rap, jog, and listen to music. Did you find your "Happy" zone in those moments? Well let me share with you how I found my "Happy". I hope this inspires you.

My "Happy" zone is in the Lord. I Found my love for Christ and the most trying time in my life. He came to my aide in the time of need. I thank the Lord for that each and everyday because I never knew how the Lord works til I got on my knees and prayed. I prayed hard and long in tears and this comforting feeling I got afterward was unbelievable...therefore, I become a believer in what a prayer can do. Yes this is my Testimony! My Happy is the Lord! Especially in my gospel music. Every time I zone out with my Pandora station strictly on Gospel music, it restores alot in my soul and I Love it. I call this "My Happy" because all the negative things I feel don't ever exist in this happy zone. I Rejoice today, tomorrow, the next day, next month because of this great comfort of knowing that the Lord is on my side and in my corner. Whenever I need Him, He is there for me without a doubt. I can never doubt his work because of the change he made in my life. It just amaze me how the Lord gave so much for me and I owe a honest living to Him. The Sacrifice He made is enough for my to say "okay, I made mistakes because I'm human, I seen the work of You Lord, For you have capture my heart and I am Yours Forever". He went the distance for me and that is so awesome therefore my Happy is forever in Him.

I never been the type to force religious on anyone, but I just want people to know its okay to take a leap out on Faith. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior is a hard step many can't press to do, but if there is ever a time in your life you felt that "Happy" moment, what is the first thing you say? "Thank You Jesus" or my favorite "I'm Blessed". lol Take a leap in Faith or Spiritually and you too will find the comfort of the Lord.

iValentina XoXo


  1. Amen. So happy you have joined the blogosphere...following I hope you check out my blog at
